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Monsieur Inwood

FIAC 2017


FIAC 2017

Annual exhibition

My dear readers,

I already had the opportunity to write about the contemporary Art which had redefine the modern current and gave freshness and innovation to paintings, but also to all artistic domains.

And today, I will speak about the FIAC 2017, Foire Internationale d’Art Contemporain, which will take place from 19 to 22 October 2017 at the Grand Palais, which gives me a double attraction for this event: in one hand Art which passionate me, on the other hand architecture that captivates me.

This artistic exhibition take place every year since 1974. This year, around 3 000 artists coming from all around the planet will be represented there, and also 187 participants.

It is an ideal place to meet amateurs and professionals of the field when discovering works as incredible as surprising.

Architectural wonders

The Grand Palais is one of the several architectural wonders of Paris. Its construction is incredible, with its crystal dome that we can perceived from far away. During 19th century, an architecture contest was created to select the one who will produce this building destined to welcome the next universal exhibition.

Reserved to the French architect to let this construction be inspired and realized in a very Parisian style, many men applied and finally it is not one but four architects who were selected. The four architects worked hand in hand on this beautiful project, each of them was responsible for a part of the construction.

This is quite surprising because, as an architect, the conception part of our work is always individual, even if we can ask advices to our partners...

My dear readers, Victor Hugo offered us this beautiful talk “ Lets inspire, if it possible, to the nation the love of national architecture. It is here that the author declare, one of the principal aim of this book: it is the principal aim of his life. ” Notre Dame de Paris.

See you soon!


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