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Monsieur Inwood

Gustave Moreau Museum


Gustave Moreau Museum

Major Figure

My dear readers,

Do you know the famous painter Gustave Moreau, one of the principal representatives of the Symbolist current?

This painter of the 19th century meets a confidential success during his lifetime but his paintings are now rediscovered and appreciated.

Born in Paris in 1926, he completed his studies at the Royal School of Fine Arts, which he left later after two failures at the Prix de Rome of painting.

His many travels in Italy allowed him to make hundreds of copies of works by Italian masters such as Michelangelo or Raphael.

In 1852, his parents bought in his name a private house at 14 rue de la Rochefoucauld in Paris. On the third floor, the painter's studio is laid out.

Moreau will present several works at the 1878 World Fair, including Salome dancing before Herod and the Apparition. He will then be elected to the Academy of Fine Arts. Appointed professor in 1891, Gustave Moreau will train including Matisse, Marquet and Rouault.

He will bequeath to the State his studio in 1898 with his works, asking that the places be preserved as is. This legacy will give birth to the Gustave Moreau Museum!

Real Workshop

I invite you, dear readers, to visit the Gustave Moreau Museum. This museum has something obsolete but I would say it has remained in its "juice" like a real workshop. During my visit, I had the impression to meet the artist at the corner of a room, a corridor.

Push the curtains under the windows of the two floors of workshop and sit on the small stools, you will discover hundreds of drawings one more beautiful than the others.

The stairs between the two workshops is beautiful and from here, the overview on the floor and large paintings is incredible!

You will see in this mansion, a large number of paintings and sculptures. You will discover huge canvases inspired by Ancient Greece. The museum has about 1300 paintings, watercolors and nearly 5000 drawings.

I recommend this museum to lovers of painting and apartment enthusiasts of the 18th and 19th century.

This museum has frozen in time the home of the artist, we find the decoration of this period with different objects.

I invite you to discover by yourself this little jewel, as yet undiscovered by most people, rue de la Rochefoucauld. This museum immerses us in the world of the painter Gustave Moreau in the 19th century. You will be blown away!

See you soon!

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