American origin
My dear readers,
Do you know why May 1st is a holiday?
Since 1947, May 1st is a holiday and paid. This day celebrates the work, the right of expression of the workers' world and the unions as well as the struggle for an 8-hour working day for all the workers.
Its origin goes back to the year 1886, in the United States. On May 1, 1886 in Chicago, 400,000 employees demonstrate on the street to claim the day of 8 hours. The forces of the Order intervene in violent clashes between police and demonstrators.
In 1889, in memory of this bloody event, it was agreed that May Day would be a day off throughout the world.
You are probably wondering my dear readers why lily of the valley on May 1st?
The lily of the valley appears in 1907. It is the traditional flower of the Ile de France, and it is the one that will now be hanging on the jacket during the parade of Labor Day.
Lily of the valley is the flower of spring par excellence, since it blooms in May. In the language of flowers, lily of the valley symbolizes the return of happiness.
Lilly of the valley is offered as a lucky charm for the recipient.
Professional initiation
The arrival of May 1st in my childhood was a moment of real happiness. I was going to buy lily of the valley with my father to give it to my mother.
Later, I went to pick them in the forest and sold them myself. I resold these strands of lily of the valley in little pots coated with silver paper.
Selling lily of the valley is a good way to learn business. I realized that selling lily of the valley had been very instructive from a marketing and professional point of view.
To earn money with lily of the valley you must first know where to find it. We must therefore "explore" in the woods to find the right corners and monitor the condition of ripening.
To sell lily of the valley, the bouquet must be beautiful. The packaging is essential. I was trying to create beautiful packaging so I could sell my strands better.
It was a good way to learn about business and marketing. The sale of lily of the valley also allowed me to overcome my shyness!
My dear readers, before leaving you I wish to share with you this beautiful poem: "Soft and luminous Lily of the valley, In this beautiful month of May, Shake your bells, For us it is the party, We are no more than one Thanks to your sweet perfume, Chance, Happiness, Love, You offer us on this day ».
See you soon!